Managing Melancholy (MM) - Dynamics of Theology and Medicine in 18th-century Denmark-Norway

Our project examines dynamics between theology and medicine in the 18th century. We use digital tools and interdisciplinary approaches to explore how religious developments may have created a new individualized awareness of mental (ill) health among ordinary people.

Melankolien,1532. Af Lucas Cranach d.Æ. 1472 – 1553. Kilde: SMK.
Melankolien,1532. Af Lucas Cranach d.Æ. 1472 – 1553. Kilde: SMK.

Preoccupation with the religious status of the individual is a shared key element of the different strands of 18th century protestant theology. This focus on the "inner person" interacted dynamically with fresh medical views of mental disorder. This can be demonstrated by the novel plurality of diagnoses as well as radical changes in institutional response and new statutory rights of the individual.

We analyse unexplored source material from individual records of civil and naval criminal courts as well as the clerical administration responsible for the custody of mental sufferers. We assess the new awareness of mental health through quantitative and qualitative analyses the source material as well as the development in management (e.g. punishment/care) of sufferers.


Tine R. Reeh
Associate Professor
University of Copenhagen
Faculty of Theology

Supported by

Supported by





“The Commotion in Copenhagen” in the 1730s: On proxy wars between Halle and Herrnhut in the Danish Capital

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Common Sense, No Magic: A Case Study of Female Child Murderers in the Eighteenth Century

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The PhD Pod: Psychiatry in the 18th century and tools bridging the ages

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Professional dynamics of the forensic evaluation of mental states in eighteenth-century Denmark-Norway

Sovereign dealings with blasphemy: The prosecution of written pacts with the Devil within the absolute monarchy of Denmark-Norway

Djævleforskrivelser - mellem trolddomsparagraffer og melankolske griller




Name Title
Tine Ravnsted-Larsen Reeh
Associate Professor
Ralf Peter Hemmingsen
Professor, emeritus
Benjamin Brandt Christiansen
PhD fellow
Nanna Eva Nissen
Assistant Professor
Sigrid Nielsby Christensen
Videnskabelig assistent
Catherine Beck
Guest Researcher
Rasmus Dreyer
Guest Researcher
Mari Eyice
Benedikte Steensgaard
Benedikte Dimpker
Ditte Rieder Kjær
Ellen Harms
Marie Beck